Microcannulas revolutionize aesthetic medicine.
Treating temples enhances facial symmetry and youthfulness.
The use of microcannulas in the temple area offers several advantages over traditional needle injections.
First, the cannula is blunt-tipped, which means it is less likely to puncture a blood vessel or nerve, reducing the risk of bruising, swelling, and other complications.
Retrograde technique injects dermal fillers into temples.

This approach allows for more precise placement of the filler and reduces the risk of overcorrection. The practitioner can also use a fanning technique, which involves injecting the filler in a fan-like pattern to create a more natural-looking result.
Using microcannulas in the temple area can treat multiple concerns simultaneously.
Temple fillers restore volume, lift and improve appearance.
Temple fillers smooth transition, create youthful appearance.
In conclusion, the use of microcannulas in the temple area provides several advantages over traditional needle injections, including reduced risk of complications, more precise placement of filler, and the ability to treat multiple concerns simultaneously.
Choose qualified practitioner for microcannula treatment.

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